Treasury Management Foundations
A primer for Corporate Treasury
5 days
EUR 4.500,– plus VAT.
Within the last 30 years, Treasury management has gained massively in importance. Tasks that were previously managed after a fashion by the accounting department are now undertaken in dedicated treasury departments, based on high professional standards in terms of expertise and IT tools.
Typically, corporate treasurers accumulate expertise within their specific operational domains, often without delving into the broader spectrum of treasury fields. This limits their ability to comprehend how individual tasks are interconnected in the bigger picture.
Our five-day program aims to bridge this gap by offering an in-depth exploration of all aspects of treasury management. We’ll illuminate the intricate web of interdependencies and interactions among these areas, providing participants with a holistic understanding of this dynamic field. Join us for this enlightening journey in the heart of Zurich!
Key issues covered
- Was sind die Aufgaben des Cash-Managers im Unternehmen?
- Welche Mindeststandards sind bei der Aufbau- & Ablauforganisation zu berücksichtigen?
- Welche Unterschiede gibt es in der Perspektive der Buchhaltung bzw. im Treasury? Welche betriebswirtschaftlichen Ansätze muss man verstehen?
- Welche Anforderungen bestehen gegenüber Banken?
- Was sind die aktuellen Trends im Cash-Management großer und kleiner Unternehmen?
Treasury Guidelines
Cash Management
- Cash clearing
- Cash pooling
- Bank accounts
- Netting
Payment transactions
- Bank communication
- Payment factory
- Payment transaction security
- How the SCF works
Liquidity planning
- Choice of planning approach
- Direct planning
- Liquidity risk analysis
Corporate finance
- Creditworthiness
- Financing components
- Financing documentation
Currency Risk Management
- Identifying FX risks
- Measuring and analyzing FX risks
Payment transactions
- Bank communication
- Payment factory
- Payment transaction security
Interest rate risk management
- Definition of interest rate risk
- Risk quantification
- Instruments under IFRS 9
- Hedge Accounting
Employees and junior managers from the areas of treasury, finance, controlling or accounting who are looking for comprehensive, practical basic training for their day-to-day work in treasury and finance management, as well as corporate client advisors from banks who want to get to know their clients’ day-to-day business from their perspective.
In one week, participants gain an insight into all the tasks handled in a modern treasury department. These cover not only functional issues such as cash management, corporate finance and risk management but also associated issues such as transparency, reports and digitalisation.