A primer for Corporate Treasury
Treasury Management Foundations
Typically, corporate treasurers accumulate expertise within their specific operational domains, often without delving into the broader spectrum of treasury fields. This limits their ability to comprehend how individual tasks are interconnected in the bigger picture.
Our five-day program aims to bridge this gap by offering an in-depth exploration of all aspects of treasury management. We’ll illuminate the intricate web of interdependencies and interactions among these areas, providing participants with a holistic understanding of this dynamic field. Join us for this enlightening journey in the heart of Zurich!

What you need to have in mind when setting up an up-to-date liquidity planning
Liquidity Planning: Simple, system supported, future proof
Securing the availability of liquidity is one of the main goals of financial management. One prerequisite for this is an expressive and resilient liquidity planning.
This must take into account the individual requirements of the business model and should be as efficient as possible. To ensure this, lean and digital processes, the targeted use of the right data and suitable system support are required. We present different methods and approaches, discuss current trends, and cover a spectrum of tools from Excel to predictive analytics.